Monday, February 8, 2010


(Photo w/permission hopefully from Master Geri) Monday February 8th..
Yoga--We have been practicing a new asana...Picasana? I am not sure it is where you get down on your do you say that in English. SQUAT! There you go. You must must must have both heels on the ground. NOW this is a very hard thing for me to accomplish. I can't do it, leave it to Geri to tell us not to be embarrassed but to use some props to help out. Rolling the back part of your Matt enough so that it could be used as a support to your heels in order to feel that you are flat on the floor. So I have been practicing this probably a couple of weeks. It is very hard to do and I have to actually breath my way down to it. I have been noticing a big problem lately, that will probably fix MY WEIGHT PROBLEM. My yoga has been compromised in that I cannot continue to improve myself and get deeper in the asanas, because of my FAT tissue. It is getting in the way. It is very very annoying, especially the one around the belly. It has gone drastically down, but still have enough to not let me turn and become more flexible on my side ribs. Also, going back to the asana, you have to get in a squat, then slowly you need to put your knees on your armpits. Then slowly lean forward enough to lift your legs up! Well lift up your lower extremities off the floor...Not a whole lot, but enough to have control of your whole body on your ANTEBRAZO...I think this might be the upper part of your arms. THIS HAS BEEN AND HAS BECOME A CHALLENGE. Although I am not 90lbs over weight, I am probably a good 70! for the J LO body I am looking for. I have done proper advancement in this area, but merely not enough as I should. I am (on the side) battling another issue--why I am not willing to eat more healthy or less quantity. So it is very hard to put all YOUR WEIGHT on your arms, and realize that it will be impossible to do, unless I start shedding the pounds. This has been a great motivator, since in the last year 3 months of doing YOGA I just want to become better at it. So needless to say, I lifted up my body a couple of times, my feet did not touch the ground which was exhilarating; but did go forward a bit more and landed on my nose! IT really hurt ed, and left with a red dot, super super tiny, well it is a big mark and badge now. Hysterics have set in...need to put the kids to bed.

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